Event 2: "Chemical entanglements- Gender and Exposure"
The moment I stepped into the event something very different caught my eye. The set up consisted of three seating areas. When you walked in you had the right and the middle seating area that mostly consisted of young people and then you had the left seating area that consisted of older people. The left seating section caught my eye because it had a yellow sign reading "fragrance free". From all the events that I have attended I have never seen a "fragrance free" section. As an individual that is very sensitive to certain smells and can easily get an upset stomach I appreciate that section and the consideration that was taken to accommodate individuals.
I did not know what to expect from this event. However, what shocked by the findings by Miss. Williams regarding the chemicals in her breast Milk. Miss. Williams, a mother of two and the writer of " Nature fix", and "Breast nature and unnatural", had her own breast milk tested for chemicals and
discovered that it had chemicals found in clothes, furniture, flame retardants and jet fuel (DDT). According to Dr. Mercola flame retardants can lead to "serious health risks, including infertility, birth defects, neurodevelopment delays, reduced IQ and behavioral problems in children, hormone disruptions and caner" (Mercola).

In fact according to Miss. Williams these chemicals are 10 times higher in the US then in Sweden. This scares me because as a future mother that I wish to be my child will be consuming chemicals that can possibly harm them. Although, at first I just assumed that the fragrance free section was just for accommodation I now understand that our daily perfumes, VS sprays and other female things have chemicals are absorbed by our bodies. Therefore, this event made me conscious of the things I spray on and rub on my body.

This event makes me want to focus perhaps on natural perfumes that do not harm the women nor their possible child. Perhaps nature and technology would be a something I would like to write about in the final paper. However, I would also like to focus on the reasons behind the idea that all feminine products needs a fragrance. Ultimately, I believe that these event is very important because it makes us , well me think why I need to buy a spray from Victoria Secret and what exactly goes inside these sprays. This event will make you question the daily products you use to "smell good". I really do recommend this event to my classmates and future students because it makes you question every product that you make have grown with.

I did not know what to expect from this event. However, what shocked by the findings by Miss. Williams regarding the chemicals in her breast Milk. Miss. Williams, a mother of two and the writer of " Nature fix", and "Breast nature and unnatural", had her own breast milk tested for chemicals and
discovered that it had chemicals found in clothes, furniture, flame retardants and jet fuel (DDT). According to Dr. Mercola flame retardants can lead to "serious health risks, including infertility, birth defects, neurodevelopment delays, reduced IQ and behavioral problems in children, hormone disruptions and caner" (Mercola).

In fact according to Miss. Williams these chemicals are 10 times higher in the US then in Sweden. This scares me because as a future mother that I wish to be my child will be consuming chemicals that can possibly harm them. Although, at first I just assumed that the fragrance free section was just for accommodation I now understand that our daily perfumes, VS sprays and other female things have chemicals are absorbed by our bodies. Therefore, this event made me conscious of the things I spray on and rub on my body.
This event makes me want to focus perhaps on natural perfumes that do not harm the women nor their possible child. Perhaps nature and technology would be a something I would like to write about in the final paper. However, I would also like to focus on the reasons behind the idea that all feminine products needs a fragrance. Ultimately, I believe that these event is very important because it makes us , well me think why I need to buy a spray from Victoria Secret and what exactly goes inside these sprays. This event will make you question the daily products you use to "smell good". I really do recommend this event to my classmates and future students because it makes you question every product that you make have grown with.
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