Space +Art By far this week' discussion was my favorite one. As a child I was always fascinated by space and always wondered where everything came from. How the universe could influence humanity, and how everything came to be. I was surprise to find out by how NASA came to be established. According to professor Vesna, NASA was established to compete with the Soviet Union and their Sputnik Movement(Space and Art Lecture Part 2). Soviet Union Sputnik NASA Flopnik' failure. Although, I find that the background history of how NASA to be interesting, something that caught my attention even more was the statement of Annick Buread, an art educator, curator and publisher. Who was involved in "The Leonardo Space Art Project Working group". According to Bureaud "It is artists and their work that reveal to me the essence of peace for human beings...space art works and images have continued to have a powerful effect upon me; they ...