Week 4: Art +Medicine + Technology Before this week I had pretty good understanding how Medicine and Technology intertwined. Many of the new advances in technology has helped and influence further methods Medicine. With that being said I never would have seen or made a connection with Art and Medicine because I cannot understand how Art can influence or help medicine in any way. However, now I see that it is the other way around, Medicine has been influencing art. For example. Professor Vesna in "Human body and medical technologies" that anatomy and dissection has been a fascination for artist. In other words, artist have been able to see the human body as art. This can also be seen in Silvia Casini's article "Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) as mirror and portrait: MRI Configuration between science and the Arts". Casini argues that an "MRI as a 'look' in the same way that the portrait has"(Casini 73). To clarify, an MRI has the abilit...